dogwatch of central ct

What is Digital Modulation and Why Does it Matter?

You may see some pet fence brands promoting “Digital Modulation” (DM) technology like it’s something advanced and exclusive to them. But DM is simply the standard digital processing method used for all radio signals today, including AM and FM frequencies. It’s not some new or innovative tech that’s unique to a particular company. DM is ubiquitous in modern radio communication devices ranging from smartphones to wireless fences. Don’t be misled - all radio fences rely on digital modulation for transmitting signals.

FM Digital Radio is Far Superior to AM Technology

We’re all familiar with the difference between AM and FM radio. FM is known for providing clearer sound without static or interference, which is why music stations and emergency responders use it. The same holds true for pet containment systems. FM digital fences deliver reliable, consistent performance without signal disruption. AM radio waves, on the other hand, are prone to interference and distortion, which can cause system misfires that accidentally and incorrectly shock pets. This understandably causes stress and anxiety in dogs and cats contained by AM fences.

DogWatch Remains the Leader in FM Digital Hidden Fences

When certain hidden fence companies use vague language about “new” or “next generation” DM technology, they are attempting to compete with DogWatch®, the established leader using proven FM digital radio. These brands often rely on inferior AM signals themselves, so they use distracting terms like “Digital Modulation” to imply their technology is equally advanced. In reality, they distract from the fact that their systems are still built on interference-prone AM radio waves. 

DogWatch® Connecticut continues to lead the way with FM digital, the safest and most reliable radio frequency for hidden pet fences. Our fences use digital modulation on FM signals for flawless performance without misfires or malfunctions. We provide pet owners with proven technology they can trust to safely contain their dogs without unnecessary stress.

Learn More About Pet Fence Radio Technology

For those interested in the technical details, there is more information available online about digital modulation, AM vs. FM radio, and DogWatch®’s patented FM digital technology specifically designed for pet fences. Feel free to research further on the science behind it all.

The key takeaway remains: When selecting a hidden pet fence to protect your beloved furry companions, go with the proven safety of DogWatch®’s FM digital radio systems.

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